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Mayor of Tongren Guizhou Province visited Howeasy Board Company

Browse:4723         Release time:2019/5/18

On May 17, 2019, Chen Shaorong, Mayor of Tongren, Guizhou Province, Luo Hongxian, Secretary General of the Municipal Government, and other delegations visited our company.

Mr. He, CEO of our company, warmly welcomed Mayor Chen and his colleagues at the company's headquarters. At the symposium, he introduced the development history, core technologies and products of Howeasy Board company to the guests.

Mayor Chen very fond of our products, and gave suggestions for product information integration.

Add: 8 Floor of B building, FuNing High-Tech Industrial Park,

LiXin Lake, Fuhai, Bao'an, Shenzhen, China

Tel: 0086 755 86957076

Fax: 0086 755 23728854

E-mail: info@howeasyboard.com

Howeasy Board (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd. 粤ICP备18031163-3号

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